Ma Famille

A community for my family of subversives, compassionate humanitarians, and other rational thinkers.

Know Thy Enemy

Posted by musecomandante on September 8, 2008

This post was taken from an email reply to my sister, Aliya, regarding her dissemination of damaging information about Sarah Palin, the GOP ’08 VP candidate.

i don’t even think it’s worth getting worked up about that lady, she is a joke, but the republican strategy is no joke at all and has worked quite successfully before.  this excellent article sums up one of the most critical reasons why  the republican propaganda machine would have made hitler proud, and that’s not an exaggeration.

it’s definitely not time to panic or lose hope yet, but know who your dealing with and know their strategies.  there’s no way the race should be as close as is being reported (and I suspect it actually isn’t) but there does exist a very good chance that the representative of the american industrial oligarchs (mccain) will win with the same strategy they used to get their last representative (george w) in office.  these people are the descendants of the hamiltonian monarchist that jefferson believed would come to represent the biggest internal threat to the country.  they have no use for democracy except when it serves to keep them on top of the social hierarchy, which is why they are so comfortable with propaganda campaigns that are based on outright lies, character assasination, and just for good measure, voter suppression.  as with oligarchs everywhere they are more than willing to let the rest of the country go to hell in a hand basket as long as they can maintain their monopoly of capital.  i mention all this as a rather long winded way to say know thy enemy!

the stakes in this election are greater than at any time since the ascent of lincoln.  we all need to keep that in mind, no matter what distractions- like a gun-toting, christian absolutist, no-nothing from alaska as vp pick- the conservative propaganda machine trots out.

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